Karat Earth 9" Flat Cut Bamboo Fiber Jumbo Straws (6mm) Paper Wrapped, Natural - 4,000 pcs

SKU: KE-C9801

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Karat Earth Bamboo Fiber 9" Straws are individually paper wrapped and eco-friendly. These straws are perfect for drinks and also make a great alternative to plastic straws and are made up of renewable resources that can be composted back into the earth. Help reduce plastic waste and contribute to a greener future with these compostable and renewable straws.


  • Size: 9 inches
  • Color: Natural
  • Diameter: 6mm
  • Wrapper: Paper
  • Available In: 6mm, 8mm, and 12mm
  • Units Sold By: Case 4,000 straws (200 pcs per case / 20 cases per case)

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