Thai Tea
By: Sabrina Huda Sanchez

The notorious orange-colored tea-based beverage that is served in many Thai and bubble tea restaurants is Thai Tea.

What is Thai Tea?
Thai tea is known as a drink that combines brewed tea, milk, and sugar over ice. The tea leaves used are typically a black tea leaf blend with other ingredients that give Thai tea its signature color.

Color and Flavor
Thai tea has earthy undertones but is always served with sweetener which gives it a sweeter taste to other tea drinks. The brewed tea alone is a deep red color but when combined with condensed milk (or regular milk).
Check out these delicious recipes below!


Tea Zone Thai Tea Boba Recipe (Non-Dairy)

‧ 2.5 cups water
‧ ½ cup Thai Tea Leaves
‧ ¼ cup granulated sugar
‧ 2 oz hot water
‧ 3 Lollicup Scoops of Tea Zone Non-Dairy Creamer
‧ 2-3 oz prepared boba pearls (recipe here)

1. Boil water in a small pot. Stir in Thai leaves and granulated sugar until sugar is diluted then remove from heat and steep for 10-15 minutes.
2. Strain out loose tea leaves.
3. In a separate cup, mix Non-Dairy Creamer with hot water until diluted.
4. Add a scoop of boba pearls to a glass then ice. Pour the Thai tea two-thirds up and the remaining with the creamer. Yum!


Classic Thai Iced Tea Recipe

‧ 2.5 cups water
‧ ½ cup Thai Tea Leaves
‧ ¼ cup granulated sugar
‧ ½ cup sweetened condensed milk


1. Boil water in a small pot. Stir in the Thai leaves and granulated sugar until sugar is diluted then remove from heat and steep for 10-15 minutes.
2. Strain out loose tea leaves.
3. Fill a glass with ice then pour Thai tea about two-thirds up.
4. Add in the sweetened condensed milk and stir well.


Did you try the recipe? Share your creation with us on Instagram and use #lollicuprecipe !


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